Over the years we have put our efforts into finding solutions to improve eye health, and the best example is our most longstanding campaign: Prevention of Amblyopia. This is a unique initiative in Europe that has allowed us to revise the vision of hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren in the province of Alicante since 1991, even before we were established as a Foundation. In this way we have contributed to vision care for a generation of the population of Alicante, and will continue to do so, because prevention begins in childhood. Sophisticated new screening tests have been incorporated into these revisions which we carry out in schools all over the province, in our aim to improve the detection of visual anomalies from the earliest ages.
The Jorge Alio Foundation caravan and various mobile units, are vehicles which are known in every corner of the province, to where our team of professionals go for the purpose of early detection of glaucoma and other diseases through screening protocols and in particular those that affect elderly people.
See more at: http://www.fundacionalio.com/campanasprevencion.php