Dr. Jorge Alio, the anterior segment specialist, presented the functioning of ‘Capsulaser’, a new tool for daily cataract surgery

The capital of Jordan, Amman, was the chosen venue for the ‘XIV International Congress of the Middle East Africa Council of Ophthalmology (MEACO)’, held from 5-8 September. Jorge Alio was the only Spanish doctor present at this biennial congress to discuss the future of visual health. In this way, he could demonstrate why he had been chosen the first world expert in the previous segment, refractive surgery, cornea, cataract extraction, implantation of intraocular lenses and ophthalmologic surgical procedures, according to the international biomedicine ranking ‘Expertscape’.
Dr. Alio, the professor of Ophthalmology at the Miguel Hernandez University (UMH) of Elche, participated in more than ten proceedings, including presentations, talks and debates, on medicine-related topics. Such as the presentation on ‘Capsulaser’, a new tool for daily cataract surgery, and those related to novelties in intraocular lenses, eye surgery in myopia and femtosecond laser-assisted keratoplasty.
In addition, Jorge Alio, the scientific director of the Vissum ophthalmology clinics, shared his knowledge and experience in the regeneration of the corneal stroma, presenting the feasibility and results of a phase 1 clinical study, and the results of a phase 2 clinical trial on the techniques of regeneration.
The MEACO International Congress is the largest scientific meeting of the region with 36 participating national ophthalmology societies from 32 countries of the Middle East and Africa region, including Turkey and Iran. This year it was held jointly with the 14th Jordanian Ophthalmology Congress, being the most important meeting in the area of the Gulf and Arab countries. This congress brought together ophthalmologists from Germany, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, United States, Finland, France, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Lebanon, Mexico, United Kingdom, Rwanda, Singapore, Syria, Switzerland, Tunisia and Yemen.