Dr. Jorge Alió gave a speech on cell therapy for keratoconus, explaining a new surgery for treatment of corneal dystrophies, and presented the results of the new accommodative lens (IOL) Lumina.
Dr. Jorge Alió starts the year by attending a new conference in order to share knowledge and experience with the best international experts in eye health. Jorge Alió, the professor of ophthalmology at the Miguel Hernandez University (UMH) of Elche, attended the Annual Conference of Ocular Microsurgery, which took place on 12-14 January, in Eilat, Israel.
Jorge Alió participated in the Conference with two speeches. On Friday, January 12, he talked about cell therapy for keratoconus, and presented a new surgery for treatment of corneal dystrophies. On Saturday, January 13, he had the opportunity to present the results of the new accommodative lens (IOL) Lumina. Undoubtedly, these were two significant contributions made by Jorge Alió, who was presented in 2015 with “ISRS Presidential Award” by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) for his dedication and contribution to the field of refractive surgery and the International Society of Refractive Surgery.
Jorge Alió attended other sessions, courses and symposia at this Annual Conference, which covers the entire spectrum of eye microsurgery. It should be noted that due to his constant study and dedication Jorge Alió has been recognized as one of the best doctors in Spain rated by patients from Top Doctors. In addition, Dr. Jorge Alió has been recently awarded the Presidency of Honor of the association by Vision Spain.